Sunflower showdown part 2 8pm ESPN
@jaybate-1.0 I bet no practice, you are gone.
I feel confident going into every game. I don’t know what’s wrong with some of you guys.
Well, obviously, being negative (which is easy) makes you feel like YOU win when KU loses, but other than that, WTF?
Before the season started, I had a conversation with a die-hard (terminally pessimist) KU fan–the guy claimed he could tell in the first 5 minutes whether KU was going to lose (basically, every game… I agree during the Roy years you could tell if the team showed up).
He predicted this year we would finish 4th in the B12. I asked him how many conference games he thought we would lose, and he said “four.” I reminded him that 4 conference losses would have won the B12 at least 10 of the last 12 years.
That’s how many I think we might lose and still end up on top in the conference. Maybe a 2 seed, maybe a 1. I like our chances in the big dance as well as anyone’s, AGAIN, year after year.
I like our chances Monday. We are coming off a tough loss and have something to prove… the kitties coming off a big win so will still be in party mode.
I know that Bragg was on the bus to Manhattan, that’s all I know.
@DanR I try to keep it real above all, my some of my buddies always text me when I think the game is over. I’m right about 9 of 10 times, I said the game was over Saturday after the first 4 minutes of the second half. A blind man could see we had no hustle or energy what so ever and when you give a team hope like that on the road, its dangerous.
@kjayhawks What other games have you predicted were over, that’s the point. Pretty sure you’re predicting a first round loss in the tourney already, right?
hey, @kjayhawks, My apologies, you’re not the negative nancy I was thinking of. :hand:
Awesome on the ground intel. Thanks.
I suspect you are correct in most cases.
@DanR lol I’m not sure what to predict yet in March, I’ve compared this team to 04-05 but still not sure tomorrow will mean a lot on how I predict march.
Ahh gameday, the most glorious of days! Off to the stop sign of stupid to pound some pussycats!!!
I found an alum singing the EMAW Song…have a listen
On another note, Have we ever heard Self offer unsolicited remarks about how tired his team is as frequently as we have this year? Seems like every presser he’s talking about how thin this team is and how tired they are. Didn’t the '12 team basically play 5 +KY & Connor?
@Blown sounds like excuses to me.
@HawkChamp I would think so as well, but in 14 years being here, his MO would be to call them soft or something or "just not that tough.’ If he is saying they are tired, there has to be something to it. Just not in the Okie Baller to make excuses–unless he’s getting ‘soft’.
Well with Bragg traveling with the team question is - - Does he play? - - yes or no? - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Self texted that Bragg made the trip to Manhattan with the team on Sunday evening but that he had not yet decided if Bragg would play.
@jayballer 54
I vote “yes”.
@Blown mentally. Kentucky then Baylor, off the court
, Injuries. Coach has had to deal w/more than most coaches lately. Not excuses.
If Bragg travels and doesn’t play, then the Riverboat Gambler played a big bluff on Bruce.
You know the plan for Bruce will be to attack in the paint.
I like the idea of playing Carlton along side Landen… let’s bring them the unexpected and ATTACK THEIR POST!
Plus… this can only make our guards hungry again… starting with defense.
@Blown that’s certainly possible
I say he plays, why else would he go??
Heard from kstater they have downloaded ever possible song w/walk in it
Bragg is suiting up, can play
Carlton Bragg’s indefinite suspension is over, per Bill Self. He’ll suit for tonight’s #kubball game at K-State.
Ku has won 74 of 85 games (87%) in series since 1984 and 61 of 68 (90%) since 1990.
@Crimsonorblue22 yep just heard
@Crimsonorblue22 Drug charge will be dismissed in 6 months if he keeps his nose clean. Guess we’ll see how bad he wants to stay at KU.
I thought I had read 6 months somewhere; thank you for the info.
Now that Bragg will not have the munchies…will he lose the 30 pounds he gained last summer? Inquiring minds want to know…
Maybe Bragg can come out in attack mode, now that the ‘fog’ has lifted. Lets try 2 bigs (LL+CB ) in a traditional hi-low, and frustrate DJWilliams quickly.
I think we have our hands full this game, but I also think the Jayhawks are a bit ticked off, and that RedFacedAngryMan has likely been breathing down their neck about allowing 90pts in AFH from an unranked team…
Or how about we attack Williams in the post? Foul him out. We turn the table and gain a huge advantage in the low post.
@drgnslayr Yep, that was my idea, to attack him to foul him out with bigs, but we can attack with Frank, JJ, Svi, Devonte also.
@drgnslayr like we should have fouled out Burton. He was big 12 player of the week
Well…he benefited from the familiar KU tradition of letting a nondescript opponent player have a career day…
@ralster johnson
Here’s my take:
If K-State hits 18 3 pointers and we have 21 turnovers I will never waste my time watching again.
Bragg suiting up?
Yes, Bragg will be playing.
@JayHawkFanToo Good deal. Hopefully he is ready to make a difference?
One would think his mind is a little clearer now…
@JayHawkFanToo I think so. If he plays to his potential around the basket and mixes in a constant jumper around the free throw line, we could be really really dangerous.
@KansasComet man is he going to hear from the fans tonight!
@Crimsonorblue22 You are right. I think he can handle it. He will be happy to get back on the court. He has to feel bad about missing the ISU game.
This is exactly what we all had envisioned for Bragg at he beginning of the season and even basketball analysts had him as the KU breakout player but it did not work out that way, although there are 8 games left to play plus conference tournament and the Dance so he has time to turn it around At this time I would say he needs to come back next year but them I though Diallo needed to come back too… which goes to show how much I know.
I hope that Bragg can make it through this next 6 months without a positive weed test. If he walks into a party where someone is smoking, it will show up in his urine. He needs some help. It is not as addicting as the pills or other stuff, but obviously, this has been going on for a while. If you re-watch the game, he was very good against Duke. Then he began to look like he couldn’t tie his own shoelace. We have been disappointed in him, but it is time to forgive and hope he seeks help. Sorry to say this to all of the Lightfoot and Colby fans, but Carlton is a much better basketball player than they are. We all have different attitudes towards what Coach should do, but those of you that want to kick him off the team have a different leaning than I do.
@kjayhawks KU better effing win this game. Thats my take.
@Lulufulu my exact thoughts. I don’t really care if we win by 2 or 20. Just win and get back on track for winning another Big 12 title.
@joeloveshawks amen
@wrwlumpy Some go to school to learn. Others go just to party. We will see what Carlton is made of and whether those closest to him will keep him on the right path. I would hate to see him blow this chance he has been given as you don’t know if you will get the same chance IF there is a next time. Hope he thinks long and hard about his future. Kids these days