UNICAST Uniform Forecast for UT Game

  • UNICAST, formerly known as Basketball Uniform Forecasts, Inc., of Netherland Antilles, now of Lichtenstein, has announced its expectation for the uniforms KU will likely wear in Austin, Texas, against the University of Texas Longhorns.

    Vilmos Schmegmalian, Senior Forecaster for Unicast, predicts that KU will wear a red and blue paisley pattern uniform with Frank Gehry designed lettering and Zaha Hadid designed numerals. Schmegmalian indicates that KU coaches will coordinate with the uniforms by wearing matching paisley ties.


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  • UNICAST Forecast Update…

    The Kansas Jayhawks will be wearing signature Tom Ford warm ups. The warm up top will be a KU Blue leather, one button blazer with narrow crimson lapels, plus grey tight leg pants.

  • UNICAST Forecast Update Updated…

    KU players will be wearing a new Adidas model that Adidas has contracted with Alden of New England to hand make. It is a black, high topped, wing tip Alden upper and an Adidas sole. Coaches will be comped matching classic Alden wing tips.

    (Note: all fiction. No malice.)

  • @jaybate 1.0 did you know that adidas is never capitalized?

  • @Crimsonorblue22, actually, yes, but my spell checkers in my various devices cap it for some reason. I’ve changed it manually in some, but it keeps coming back. So: I finally gave up and went with it. Kind of like KU’s uniforms. 🙂

    P.S.: And, yes, jaybate is never capitalized either, but I do believe adidas (there I manually overrode the spell checker just for fun) beat me to it by a few decades, or perhaps half a century. 🙂

    P.P.S.: Alden, however, the finest pair of shoes I have ever put on my feet, is ALWAYS capitalized.

  • @jaybate 1.0 Rockports?? Jk!

  • @Crimsonorblue22 Good shoes until you wear a pair of Aldens once. If I recall correctly, you once indicated you were a woman. Not sure if they make them for women, but you might give their site a look. Spendy, but superb and can be reconditioned at the factory a couple of times for the price of ordinary shoes, and so the considerable extra cost gets spread out over the life time of the shoes, which is long. Not for everyone. Pretty conservative styles, but if they have something you like I doubt you would regret them. Being the penny pincher I am, I don’t buy them new. I look for them in thrift stores for $10 and send them in to be reconditioned for $150, or so. I do the same with Mephistos, too. In our disposable society, great shoes don’t have to cost a wise shopper an arm and a leg. I hope other young men and young women read and heed what I am writing here. It took an old wise man telling me, before I got the idea ten years ago. I am passing it on.

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