Nebraska Cornhuskers - Saturday 7 pm - Fox Sports 1

  • wrwlumpy said:

    I’ll feel much better about the rest of our season if we win this game. Trae Young said he wanted to stay in Oklahoma and be part of a team the doesn’t allow KU to win the Conference.

    I’ve said this before - -I’ll say it again Ya Trae is a very good player BUT Trae can win you some games -BUT Trae also can be the main factor or right at the top of losing you games. - -Ya he leads the Nation in scoring - -really good individual stat, but at the end of the day, that’s all it is - -an individual stat.

    I’m more concerned about West Virginia or even possibly Texas then Oklahoma to take our streak away - -less likely Texas if Jones is out longer, they really struggles with him out of the line up last night

    Trae can do a lot of things - -but there are shots of his that are just not high pct shots - -still takes them anyways, he will make some, but there can be times to when competition gets harder he takes those kinds of shots and he is going to shoot you right out of the game. - Makes good passes BUT there are times he tries to make TO FANCY of a pass -I see Oklahoma as a 3rd or 4th place team in the league. -Behind KU , West Virginia , Texas , & possibly TCU. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @wrwlumpy

    I’m curious what team will show up. Watching for 15 minutes will probably tell me what the outcome will be.

  • @wrwlumpy Young is a phony. If he were a real basketball player, his name would be spelled " TREY ".

  • Nebraska has a gorgeous arena. And that football stadium seems to have more end zone seats than sideline seats. Not very fan friendly.

  • Thanks for the pictorial as usual. Bang up job.

    I am always fascinated by that state capital building which so elegantly expresses architecturally the unicameral state government Nebraska operates with. I always wonder if the unicameral form of government is responsible for how lousy Nebraska basketball is, or how good their football used to be? Probably not responsible for either, right, lest NU would still be good in football.

    I know a lot of persons blame Fizzourah for leaving the B12. I am not one of them. I congratulate them on their leaving. I praise them for reuniting with their true spiritual legacy in the Southeast. I am grateful they left, so KU is free of them at last.

    Alas, I remain ambivalent about Nebraska’s departure. I had some family with ties to Nebraska–some Hunkies, and some Germans. I know what good people Nebraskans are. Kansans and Nebraskans were borne of the same crucible of Bloody Kansas, really. The Kansas-Nebraska territory might never have been separated were it not for the ambitions of western Missourians to cut off and absorb Kansas, and the Crown-schilling idiots of Charleston, SC stupidly trying to pry Kansas away from western Misssourians to make a free standing slave state that would add 2 more slaver senators for votes regarding Jefferson Davis’ and Judah Benjamin’s ambitions to build a southern railroad of their own, or worst case for the Crown. Add in the Oklahomans and the North Texans and folks in the Dakotas and you had decent bunch to build an American spine with that the East and West coasts could not have played divide and conquer with as much as they have subsequently.

    Without Nebraska leaving, I doubt the Tigers would have left, so I am grateful to Nebraska for causing the cascade that lead to MU leaving.

    On the other hand, I am pretty confident that the Big 12 would have avoided many of its problems that have nearly sunk it, and continue to haunt it, still, had Warren Buffett not reputedly meddled and moved NU to the Big Corn and Car Conference. Though who can say for sure, if Warren really did weigh in, he appeared not to have been thinking about what was best for NU football, the Big 12, or even the Big Ten. Look at the miserable football and basketball teams Nebraska now fields as an also ran in the Big Ten. Nebraska was 4-8 this season in head injury ball. How the mighty have fallen for a little bigger check in a meaningless western division of the Big Ten that no one even cares about the existence of. Pitiful.

    It appears in retrospect that Buffet may have been heady from association with Bill Gates and with the Boeing and Crown ties that implies, and on an incredible investment role from our phony stock market being migrated from diversified producer firms to oligopolies floated up with untraceable bailouts and defense contracts, and so may have been appearing to have felt his oats and locked horns with the Kochs. Love’em or hate’em, the Kochs aren’t to be trifled with. In retrospect, it appears he was maybe trying to stop the Koch’s from punching their bitumen slurry tube through his beloved Nebraska, and weighing in to cement the northward expansion of the Super Corridor, and while I haven’t looked lately, I’m not sure he, or anyone else, really succeeded in stopping the bitumen slurry tube. Now with President Trump in power enabling what only he could call “beautiful, clean coal,” there will be plenty of coal to frack the pipeline slurry, too.

    Woe is Nebraska, when a private oligarch reputedly leaned the direction that conference realignment of Nebraska actually went.

    Woe is the Big 12–teetering some as a 5th wheel in the 4 wheel football play off, without Nebraska.

    Really, KU is about the only winner by getting rid of MU.

    I know some are excited about KU jumping into the corn and car conference. Not me.

    But KU could really benefit from a stronger Big 12.

    If KU eventually has to go to the western division of the Big Ten–the Siberia of the Big Ten, the way Nebraska did, I shudder to think what will become of KU basketball.

    But maybe KU will get some Geico gecko stickers if we make the jump, eh?

  • After the back to back losses, I once again return to the comfort food of 2015 Husker - Alex Gordon.

  • @wrwlumpy I saw Alex’s homer live and in person. Worth every penny and I paid a lot of them. I particularly like the slumping reaction of the center fielder as he deflates into the fence. Oh man it was epic and electric.

  • I hadnt ever set foot in Nebr prior to 2016, for a job opportunity. Now that has turned into a fulltime job offer I cannot refuse, which means a TON of driving…as in a 4 hour commute about 5 times/month. I must say the people rural Nebr are very nice. Not much different than KS or OK, frankly. Sure, they root for different teams, mostly the Huskers, and Broncos, Packers, and some Chiefs fans. Seen a few Jayhawk shirts around also.

    Women pretty much just like KS (gotta love the midwestern honeys).

  • Dang it, cannot figure out how to get some Husker cheerleader pics to post here (saved in Pictures on windows desktop)???

  • @Ralster

    It will not work if you use the “Post quick reply” option, you need to use the “Reply” button further down if you want to include links or insert pictures.

  • The bball analysts are sure coming out of the woodwork to comment on the current bball climate. Unfortunately, KU is not only fulfilling their “expectations,” but giving them all negative fodder for their columns. I’ve never heard of some of these sports columnists. I love how they are promoting ASU at KU’s expense. Funny how KU is pretty much irrelevant, until they lose and give another team the spotlight. I like what Josh Jackson said, “It will never happen again!” I’m gonna put myself out there and say it too. I just can’t believe 1 game gives a mediocre team a very early 1 seed. The columnist I read was Jerry Palm? Who the hell is Jerry Palm? But like he wrote, the current landscape may change in March, but they all think it’s fun to watch teams like KU lose. I hope the guys use this humiliation as inspiration to turn things around now. I gotta feeling we will lose a few more games, but this could take the same direction Manning and Co took in 1988. Anyone remember their record? I think we all remember the outcome. I don’t plan to read anymore negative articles against KU. I’m sick of it.

  • KU is an 11 point favorite.

  • @JayHawkFanToo said:


    It will not work if you use the “Post quick reply” option, you need to use the “Reply” button further down if you want to include links or insert pictures.

    You can still do the quick reply thing, post it, and then choose “edit” to bring up the top composing bar that has all the font and document-insert options. This is handy if you do not want to reply to a particular person. (Or just hit reply as JHF2 suggests, and then delete the name.)

  • @truehawk93 Jerry Palms a.k.a. “Rosy Palms” is the inventor of the RPI system. He is a very mediocre bracketologist, and a pretty bad interview.

  • wrwlumpy said:

    KU is an 11 point favorite.

    that’s crazy

  • KU being a double digit over a P5 team is very suspicious.

  • @Ralster Well, good to hear from you again. Hope you’re a regular.

  • Not sure if this was already mentioned, lots of players from Raleigh in this game. Of course Graham for KU but Nebraska has Thomas Allen, Isaac Copeland and Anton Gill.

    KU briefly recruited Allen before looking elsewhere.

  • Time for me to headover to the game site chat guys - -time to do this. - Slack here we come. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Ugg. I can’t watch the game. The only thing worse than watching the Hawks play poorly is listening to Hannini and Gurley try to describe it.

  • Fast break pts

  • Holy crap!

  • I like these announcers

  • Whew…a little too close for comfort. How about Svi? Mr Clutch

  • @truehawk93 especially after killing us the last few possessions

  • The Sam Cunliffe era has begun. Give this victory to a great second half by Svi, a great game from Doke, a zero game again from Malik and good minutes from Mitch, Self is still the King of out-of-bound’s plays.Oh yeah, Devonte’s back. Great defense by Vick.

  • We saw what Self thinks of Cunliffe.

  • Sam totally bailed out Sosinki tonight, saved from 0-3 start.

  • approxinfinity said:

    Sam totally bailed out Sosinki tonight, saved from 0-3 start.

    lmao - -you stop that lol – ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • I’m sorry, I can’t believe what I just heard , Coach just said he thought we played really good defense. - -WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA? ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @BShark It was ridiculous, imo. Newman was obviously not right. Garrett missed every shot,. Why not give the kid 10 minutes, like you said you would pre-game?

  • KUSTEVE said:

    @BShark It was ridiculous, imo. Newman was obviously not right. Garrett missed every shot,. Why not give the kid 10 minutes, like you said you would pre-game?

    Exactly - -2 minute. - - -TWO MINUTES? - are you kidding me? - -I think he should of played a little more and Garrett a little less. - -was suppose to spell Devonte and such - -Devonte still 39 minutes. - ROCK CHALK ALL ADY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer54

    I am not sure Cunliffe can play guard, more of a wing/SF, maybe PF but not guard.

  • Explain how Sam could start for the team that just spanked us for 35 minutes in our own building but he’s not better than Newman? Garrett is okay defensively, no reason to start Newman Monday absolutely none. I’d start Sam to see what he can do Omaha is terrible and should be a 40 point win. Let’s see what the kid can do.

  • Sam didn’t even play a minute. So much for guard depth. Close games will do that though, self always gets tight

  • @kjayhawks

    Last year’s and this year’s ASU teams are worlds apart; Cunliffe would not be getting much time this year at ASU either.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I don’t think ASU is that great personally, but I’m willing to bet he would’ve started or been the 6th man. ASU is not a deep team bye any remote stretch of imagination.

  • @kjayhawks

    I respectfully disagree. Based on what I have seen of Cunliffe and ASU, he would be the 8th man in that rotation or about the same as he is now at KU.

  • @JayHawkFanToo I’m okay to agree to disagree with anyone but not many times does a guy go from starter to 8th on a team in a year, not sure I’ve ever seen or heard of it.

  • While Cunliffe was the 5th starter, there were 5 players that averaged more minutes than he did and they have talented freshmen now. Like I said, he might have been a starter in name last season but would be the 8th player this year. Don’t believe me, just look at the numbers.

    Jamari started 18 games as a junior and only 8 as a senior, mostly at the beginning of the season, if I remember correctly. Not that unusual when talented players join a team.

  • The info on Cunliffe, guys, was pretty solid. We saw him play in Italy. He was bad. He did not play well in 10 games vs. ASU.

    It’s just a matter of Self getting him in, Cunliffe performing, and Self gaining a bit of trust there. That might be next season. But necessity is the mother of invention. Someone get hurt, etc., his opportunity may come sooner. He’s depth and that is nice to have. We’ll see how all that plays out. I think @JayHawkFanToo is right. He seems like more of a wing than anything on or near the ball. Svi kind of hogs that position now.

    But Newman tonight? Ugh.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    I will give Newman a pass because he is likely still affected by the concussion but…ugh is right.

  • @JayHawkFanToo If he was still impacted by the concussion, I really don’t think he should have been playing. Concerning that he said he was having trouble focusing on his exam on Monday.

  • @HighEliteMajor

    As you know, players can be foolish and indicate they are fine so as not to lose playing time. If KU has 2 or 3 other players available he probably does not play but this is iron man basketball.

  • KUSTEVE said:

    @BShark It was ridiculous, imo. Newman was obviously not right. Garrett missed every shot,. Why not give the kid 10 minutes, like you said you would pre-game?

    Because it was a tight game and we know all too well how Self coaches in those.

  • kjayhawks said:

    Explain how Sam could start for the team that just spanked us for 35 minutes in our own building but he’s not better than Newman? Garrett is okay defensively, no reason to start Newman Monday absolutely none. I’d start Sam to see what he can do Omaha is terrible and should be a 40 point win. Let’s see what the kid can do.

    ASU is a MUCH better team this year. They infused a lot more talent into their program.