This just makes me sick - - -Stubblefield

  • Man this about makes me sick to my stomach, Dana found guilty of forcible rape while using a gun during this - boils down to this is a POS guy , and like others said if his name is in the ring of Honor - - -Honor ? screw that , this idiot has no Honor. Don’t need to have anyone trying to defend this sorry shit - he has already been found guilty could get 15 yrs to Life and to that I say - - -GOOD, hope it’s life, but it won’t be. She showed up to his house to talk about babysitting job. He thought she wouldn’t be able to make it through the trial, guess she had some kind of disability also/

    Hell of a player here at KU with him and Gilbert both but this? - -There is no excuse for anything like this - - -Sad that’s all I have to say

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