Things to absorb
Pulled this from another site , and pretty valid if you really think about it. Poster says:
Since December from our last season till now with the Big’s at KU:
Maxwell - - -Leaves Lucas- - - - - Graduates Colby - - - - - -Transfers Bragg - - - - -Transfers Whitman- - - Joins team & leaves Lawson - - -Transfers in & sits Sosinski - --added from football program
Preston , misses curfew - - -late to practice - - and has potential Improper benefit issues and sits 1st semester & still sittin out.
De Sousa graduates early to join and still sitting waiting NCAA decision.
So basically KU has been involved with 4 transfers - - -2 eligibility issues and a football player.
Only Doke ( which was injured all last year ) – -Mitch Lightfoot & Lucas were normal situations. This is all just in ONE year. - -You throw in Diallo - - -Alexander and others of past several years and the big man roster management has been a joke. - - -Poster says pretty odd for ANY P 5 program little lone a blue blood. - Got to say kind of hard to argue with. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY