An Appetite For Discussion And Ginger Lime Duck

  • Let’s say Bill announces he’s leaving Kansas. Who you gonna go get to fulfill your expectations?

  • Banned

    Never thought I be on a KU site were some would be beating their chest saying I told you so ???


  • @DoubleDD it’s an ego thing. Don’t worry about it.

  • @Bwag thats why I want to see long, athletic players and mix up defenses - zone press/matchup zone/press, etc.

  • @HawkChamp Dukes long and athletics are sitting at home. Now what ?

  • Banned


    I know. I just have a very bad temper. I even did anger management courses. I just can’t wrap my mind around a KU fan saying I told you so.

    Just slays me.

  • @cragarhawk JK dude-Sorry but thanks for sharing the wife …LOLOL …then again no thanks.

  • Not going to win to many games shooting 35 % from the field and 20 % from the 3pt stripe having 8 shots blocked, not going to win to many games this way. - - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @DoubleDD life is good. This team made you feel all the feels this year. That is the thing to focus on.

  • Banned


    You’re right. It was a magical season.

  • IMG_4724.JPG

    Peace out Homies

  • @Blown thats not a model defensive team - not even close.

  • Banned

    Sorry to all I offended. It’s just I live and die with KU.

    You don’t understand KU basketball righted my ship. I was a thug and lots of other things. Well until Danny and the miracles. Hard as it seems to believe it changed me. I can’t tell you how or why. It just did.

    Night My KU Brethren. It’s time for me to go into the holding tank. I need to cool off.

  • This team was capable of such beautiful ball. Dammit ya just never want it to be over

  • @cragarhawk Try a machine - they do the work !!

  • @globaljaybird ya dammit. I gotta the thing fixed. It’s been leaking awhile so can’t run… It’s on my list lol

  • @DoubleDD We are all disappointed, people get at each other when pissed. I don’t think I’ve seen anyone get too nasty.

  • @DoubleDD Sounds like credit due to the KING instead of some damn bb team Gottasay it- JESUS is the only Thank GOD for you !

  • Bed beckons. Spring yard work starts tomorrow. Night guys.

  • Easiest way I’ve found to not be offended is not to really give a sh!T what anyone says. And not need you’re opinion validated. Also being Irish helps. I have those going for me. Very difficult to nearly impossible to offend me. It’s rather nice

  • @approxinfinity okay that’s worse than dishes…

  • After cool down I re watched some of the game. To be honest we didn’t play hard in the first half (outside of BIFM). We played hard the 15 final minutes, we have lived that way for too long all season. It bit our butts against TCU and today. I’ve been saying all year we have to outscore our opponents. Some it was us missing shots but some of it was Oregon playing good defense too. If it was just shooting they wouldn’t have dominated every single stat in the game. I think the point it was over was when we had a chance down 6 and JJ tipped the board over Frank. If that is a rebound and we didn’t just miss 5 fts we had a chance right there. I honestly feel like I did in 02 and 03, maybe a bit worse because of not making the FF. But we should have had back to back titles those years and this year with last year. I don’t get why we tried so hard to get LL the ball. After hook wasn’t falling why keep feeding it to him, same as Perry last year. I’m not putting it all on coach but whether you want to admit it or not he’s now 2-8 as coach in the Elite 8 and I think he’s had the better team all but one time. You can say it aint so but numbers don’t lie and looking back Davidson very easily could’ve beaten us then as well as UNC in 2012. Self is about 4 plays away from being 0-10 in that round, Now that doesn’t mean we should fire him to the guys that put words in everyones mouths but maybe he needs to change the way he does stuff in that round. Matt Tait claimed Self was as tight as he’d ever seen last year, players take after their coaches most the time.

  • @kjayhawks thanks for the analysis. I agree with everything you said. If Self keeps this up, people will be talking and there will be pressure on him. I honestly wonder how much he analyses tournament losses and thinks about what he needs to do better, like recruit different players, strategy, defensive tactics, etc. He has, for a lack of a better term, “wasted” too many top teams without getting a final four. 07, 10, 11, 13, 16 and now this year. Oregon was not tight - they were the aggressor and played to win. Our guys did not. Self needs to figure this out.

  • @HawkChamp Yep a guru would be fashionable GN guys this is a wwrap… …

  • @HawkChamp Exactly, you have to come ready to fight. Maybe we got a big head JJ said after the Purdue win that no one could play with us if we played well, which for the record is correct but confidence and cocky are a thin, thin line apart.

  • @kjayhawks for whatever reason they just didn’t do tonight what they had been doing the entire tournament this far. Which is play every possession on both ends as if it were game point. We heard the guys talk about this in previous post game interviews. It’s really what made them looked unbeatable for the last 3 games. The thing they had been missing alot of the season against subpar teams in my opinion. Hoped they figured out how to get past that. I don’t believe Oregon is better, they just were when it mattered most and that hurts the worst I think. We didn’t move the ball well at all. Took quick and hurried shots. Played almost too urgent on the offensive end. And just several possessions of just plain purely lackadaisical defense especially first half. To the point that they needed to be perfect on D and very good on O in the second which I think made the offensive end even more tense.

  • Well, made it through the night. It’s daybreak and life does go on, Like I said last night the one I feel the worst for is Frank. He is going to be missed, really missed. He definitely had the heart of a lion - - just sucks. I am still kind of numb about the whole game, but even as I watched even in the beginning minutes I was thinking Oh no, something doesn’t feel good about this game.

    When they came down missed a 3 - -bell got the rebound, they shot missed another 3, - - bell got the rebound again, and they drained a 3 - -pretty much how the night went. - - -I know the guys are hurting, BUT I’ve just got this Feel that Frank is taking things really hard, could be wrong but just comes across as the type of guy.

    Well now spring/summer time hate this time of year, such a big lull fricken baseball I hate it, I’m getting to the place I like being outdoors messing in the yard, but now with my knee issues, probable knee replacement, getting to the point I have trouble even mowing the yard between my knee and allergies. Gonna miss the inner action with fellow KU’ER’S but will have to check in for recruiting. May be out a bit if I do end up having this knee cut on again will have to see. - -But it’s been great, give me a couple of weeks - -doubt if I watch more of the tourney could give a dam less now, and sure don’t want to listen to the fricken media sap al over N Carolina or Kentucky get sick of that. - -well have a good one my friends. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

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