The jaybaticon: the Scientific Place to Come for Implanted Memes
The LHB 9000: I’m afraid you missed one.
Wilt Chamberlain: I don’t understand.
LHB 9000: A record, Wilt. You could have set the record for free throw accuracy if you had not missed that free throw you missed when you were 12 years old.
Wilt: I don’t recall missing any particular free throw when I was 12, Harv.
LHB 9000: No? I could have sworn you did.
Wilt: No, Harv.
LHB 9000: Would you like to practice trash talking next, or engineered elections?
Wilt: It seems like you are trying to read my mind, Harv. I think I have had enough free throw practice for today.
LHB 9000: okay.