KUBuckets Desktop icon
The icon on my phone’s desktop linking to KUBuckets is a grim Black octagon. Can we get a nice KU Buckets icon for phones?
@jaybate 1.0 I have that one on my Nook but my computers show the big red K.
Hmm I will try to figure out why they don’t match
Black octagon on the iPad also.
At first I thought the black octagon was some KSU hacker’s idea of a joke, but then I realized we own their crib and they wouldn’t use that for sabotage.
I got a nice big red K on my Note 3 using Dolphin browser.
And where does this jaybate 1.0 dude come off demanding changes after only being on the board less than a week?
jb, great to have you and your insight on board. (beer)
@brooksmd: LOL!
@brooksmd haha, nice brooks
In all honesty, I’m in family vacation mode right now, so I’m just here to make merry with my fellow board rats until things get a little back to normal with my days, but I appreciate the input @jaybate. I worry that I’m missing something sometimes that’s detracting from the experience of the board, I’d rather know everything people have going on and do what I can to grease the wheels.