ROYALS/Rays game 2 of the DH
Could we get 4 walk off wins in a row?! I think we’re living right. Volquez 1st pitch minutes away…let’s get it on …
@globaljaybird it’s been fun, let’s do it again!
@globaljaybird How about our pitching and hitting work together so we don’t need another w-o?
@brooksmd maybe some coffee for a long exciting pm? Crap on that dble! Hope our loyal royal jethro didn’t jinx us!!!
Sexy esky
Score him!
Almost had something going there. 0 - 0 after 1.
Volquez has pitched 1 1/3 innings and already thrown 33 pitches. Be an early shower at this rate.
royals twice today, KU at 10, good day, hope volquez can get on track and maybe we can make a clean sweep of all three games
thigh high & outta da park…1-0 Rays
@globaljaybird bummer!
@brooksmd 61 pitches in the third for EV & raining fairly steady, may be midnight oil for both teams tonight. Hope you’re rested up Gramps !
@globaljaybird needs to finish by 10!
Not to shabby! Sticks now!
@Crimsonorblue22 @brooksmd may be wakin up about that time…
@globaljaybird Don’t worry about me. I know how to pace myself. That’s why I started mowing early.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m streaming so will be able to follow both.
@brooksmd I can’t do both! Not fair to teams!
@brooksmd I may be dreaming & not following at all…
Man our offensive lineup is really missing Moose & Cain…
@globaljaybird big stick not as good since he’s in love!
@Crimsonorblue22 Expending too much energy elsewhere?
@brooksmd @globaljaybird probably knows her, she’s a tv journalist in kc
Alright Gordo.
@Crimsonorblue22 Kacie Mc Donald is the new squeeze. She moved from Philly when the Chiefs drafted QB Aaron Murray a couple of years back when they were an item. I may be old but I ain’t blind. Hoz is doin alright.
@brooksmd That’s what a walk, speed, & an outfielder playin too deep will do.
Is there no limit on how many times we can vote for Moose? I’ve nearly wore out my fingers.
Here comes da merry go round pitch…aaaand they’re off…
Bags full for Esky-first ball-fast ball hitter…
Sonic slam for 25G…
Da wheels turn…
Hell Ill take a walk…
YEEHAW! Bases clearing double. Esky you da man.
Broke it wide open YEAAAAHHHH!!!
@globaljaybird sexy esky!!!
@brooksmd If anyone Royal goes yard this inning it’s 2g for someone from Sonic. G Slam is worth 25G…Gordon can do it for 2 more…
@globaljaybird that just happened a couple of games ago!
Yeah love this
@Crimsonorblue22 Dig it !!
Four runs after 2 outs. Royals baseball.
@brooksmd dats what we do! The best!
Today should boost the old risp %.
Big stick due?
@Crimsonorblue22 Gettin close to game time.
Every since he dumped me, he’s struggled!
@brooksmd I know, needed to do a few things.
@Crimsonorblue22 He should be ashamed of himself…
@FSKansasCity: The @Royals have scored 14 runs in today’s double dip, 9 with 2 outs. The other 5 came on 2 swings (Gordon solo HR & Paulo’s granny).
Thinking we need more dble headers!