Patriotic Crimson, White & Blue
As I watched Selden, Mason, Hunter, Lucas, Vick, Bragg, Jamari… (& Moore + Debose) go to work against Turkey (a game I watched off the dvr on July 4), I felt really proud of Self & the boys for representing the USA.
This is an ultra-rare opportunity for American college players. I’m totally jacked that we get to take a solid core of team chemistry & experience. We matchup well. Turkey had some pro league players & some 25yr old grown men (evidently enrolled in some university, I suppose?)…but Selden, Mason, Lucas, Jamari, and Ellis (!!) played even tougher than the “grown men”, who seemed to run out of legs in the 4th period.
Just wanted to shine praise & attention on Bill Self and the KU/USA team playing for all us Americans. Get that gold!
@ralster Yah, its great! It would be wonderful to see KU take the Gold home this year!