Royals vs Brew Crew... Ice em Down
Esky nailed at the plate then at home… Get the review maybe 1 zip, pending…
@globaljaybird I call SAFE!!!
@globaljaybird Home plate ump was in lousey position to make that call.
@brooksmd yeah!!!
No matter how the call turned out it was a great call by 3rd base coach to send Esky.
@Crimsonorblue22 This is Royal bb we been looking for.
Win the replay, Moose to second wit da RBI . 1 - 0 Royals. Cain fails to advance Moose on the pop out… Bummer missed a big play…Big Stick single 2 - 0 KC …Dig it @Crimsonorblue22 !!
@Crimsonorblue22 HOT START - That’s what we wanted girl…
@globaljaybird Would like to see Salvy knock that clown off the slide.
Agressive base runnin…love it.
@brooksmd that’s what speed do! Back to what we do!
Took this devil dog for a run/jog/walk/carry his scared rear!!
@Crimsonorblue22 + 100 girl… You’ve done well !!
@globaljaybird at what?
Whew that first batter looked like he could smack that ball!
Have u guys been following the all-star voting? Pretty funny!
@Crimsonorblue22 There he is, the tp terrorist.
@brooksmd need advice, son near chicago is flooded in his parking lot, should he move it? Only exit is to left, higher water. He was going to park on sidewalk, higher there
Silver truck
Not much of a 2nd inning for the R’s. But when the pitcher is the 2nd hitter you can’t expect much. Unless you’re a Nat Lg pitcher who gets to bat all the time.
@Crimsonorblue22 Is water still rising?
@Crimsonorblue22 At least his truck has more clearance than the cars. If they’re calling for more rain and water is still rising I’d be looking for higher ground somewhere if it gets up close to bottom of door.
@brooksmd yes
@Crimsonorblue22 Check that. If it reaches the step bar, I’d be looking for higher ground somewhere.
@brooksmd Like a motel on a hill.
@brooksmd only way out is left, water pretty hi that way
Thanks brooks!
Yeah rios!!!
@Crimsonorblue22 Time for Gordo …never mind. Time for somebody to get another 1st inning started. Salvey?
Poor infante!
Nice dble play! Do most teams give guys time off? Really hurts us, like Hosmer at first.
Looooooooo Cain!!!
CAIN - kaboom!!
@brooksmd he was due!
@Crimsonorblue22 Back in da day when real men played ball - no. Today, yeah. Think alot depends on the schedule, consecutive games, day game and of course climate change.
Darn it!
@brooksmd Lou Gehrig, Cal Ripken…thousands of consecutive games without an absence. Ain’t that way today. Likely never again either. JMO
@brooksmd The book on Cain is pitch him high & tight. Low & over the plate he gets his arms extended & can hit it a mile…just like that-a no doubter.
He can get a pair of old sneaker and walk the parking lot, if the water is consistently under 10"- 12" the it is probably safe for the average car to drive out. A taller car like my Expedition can probably handle 18"-20" without a problem. For drainage purposes, one side of the lot is always higher than the other and thus will have the shallower water; the difference in elevation between two ends of a lot and depending on local topography can be significant. If he can stay on the high side of the lot (shallower water) he can probably exit the lot safely.
So I’m sitting here watching the game throgh the tivo box and a message pops up that says tivo unable to connect to try gain later. I press ok, the message goes away and I continue to watch the game. Ain’t electronics grand?
@JayHawkFanToo he thought the cars on the left side, higher water, only way out too, were probably damaged. He said the drained gets plugged and they were on it earlier, but didn’t help. Rain has slowed, hopefully gets better! Thx for all the help!!
Who hoo way to hit the ball!!!
Brewer CF ain’t LoCain.
@Crimsonorblue22 RIO !!
Morales is scaring me
@Crimsonorblue22 He has odd delivery - sorta flips the ball with his wrist on the forward motion outta the glove. Makes him seem a little inconsistent or wild almost. Some pitches are way out of the strike zone & some are good. Also has an exaggerated drop on his stride into his delivery & just looks mechanically awkward to me.
@globaljaybird got er done though! Way to go salvy!
@Crimsonorblue22 damn twin killin…
Damn, just took the kids out and had to change t-shirt when I came back in. Not rainin either. If the bowl was bigger would’ve sat in Mylee’s ice water.
@globaljaybird I like it it!