Circular Thoughts and Tautologies For the Day:
If it were all up to me, then it would be all up to me."
If we shoot well, we are going to have a high field goal percentage.
Relying on first year players as cornerstones of your offense and defense is like relying on first year players as cornerstones of your offense and defense.
You can count on a young big men playing like young big men.
If you soften up your schedule, you will become softer from your softened schedule–not harder.
In the end, we are all prisoners of our endings.
Stacking players on teams makes stacking more important.
Learning to play on the X-axis enables you to learn to play on the X-axis.
Hunter Mickelson is cryogenically frozen at the end of the bench during games and he is not. (this is the law of the excluded middle, also known in basketball as the the law of the excluded center.)
“If not-A implies both B and its negation not-B, then not-A must be false, then A must be true”), which is the principle known as reductio ad absurdum
“If not-playing because of failure to protect implies both turnovers and its negation not-turnovers, then not-playing because of failure to protect implies must be false, then not playing because of turnovers must be true”), which is the principle known as reductio ad absurdum.
If we don’t play defense, we run the risk of playing offense.
The team that scores the most points always wins.
It is not violence that is plaguing the game, it is the physical assaults on other players.
You cannot dribble with your right hand if you are dribbling with your left.
A low number of 3 point attempts indicates very few treys being taken.
Freshmen will be freshmen.
A sophomore jinx occurs only when you have a jinx in your sophomore season.
Enough is enough even when it is more than enough.
(Note: all fiction. no fact. With malice toward none. With charity toward all.)