50 Shades of Black and Gold Now a Major Motion Picture!
50 Shades of Black and Gold—The Novel the BDSM Sports Community Has Been Flailing Itself Over Is Now a Major Motion Picturet!!!
Its provocative. It pushes out the envelope on sports novels. Forget about Claire Bee’s Chip Hilton novels. Forget about Jim Carroll’s Basketball Diaries. This is the story of MU Antlers Max Inbredden and Chanticleer Foy self-flagelating to MU losses in SEC basketball while Amnesia Tin dominates Christopher Gold with a Tigger of Nine Tails. And that’s just the beginning.
Tigger of Nine Tails? Group reading of Story of A (aka Story of Antler)? Golden Tiger Rain? Its all here. Its all hot. Its all Ozark Polymorphous Perverse.
Its turns Antlers into submissives begging for MU to be beaten by UK and LSU stacks, and for them to be flogged with whips and chains by Mike Anderson and his Razorbacks.
Plot: Amnesia Tin from Columbia, MO sees her life change drastically when she meets an independently rich Antler named Christopher Gold who takes her off to his meth lab in Cape Girardeau and introduces her into the BDSM scene underpinning the meth economy there. Before Amnesia knows it she is crowned The Meth Queen—the highest ranking femme domme in southeast Missouri. Soon she is disciplining not only Christopher, but the entire city of Cape Girardaeau and over 140 current and legacy Antlers.
The film adaptation is even hotter than the novel, according to Rotten Cumquats.com—the pre-production movie review website. The film, directed by Gram Failer-Jackson and starring Wyoming Jackson, Gamie Hornan,Genevieve Eel, and Elois Bumford, received 4 out of 5 flaming cumquats. High praise indeed.
The movie is available on NetFixFeeds and can be pirated through TidalBitWave downloads.
For those that still like to hold a book in one hand leaving the other free, Fifty Shades of Black and Gold can be ordered from Niger-KageraBooks.com.
(Note: All fiction. No malice. Ain’t it grand we don’t have to play them anymore. Free at last. Free at last. Thank god almighty, free at last!!!)