New statue for the DeBruce center
@Crimsonorblue22 Great find. Should we take bets where the shiny part will be when people rub it for good luck? My money is on the basketball.
@JayhawkRock78 I hope they don’t fill the basket up with…stuff.
@nuleafjhawk They need an invisible force field to keep to sculpture bucket empty. Nearby there could be a peach basket 10’ high with active shooting gallery. One shot chance to score with an original basketball including laces. Winners get a free peach.
@nuleafjhawk first thing I thought off, soooo surely guys that graduated higher than oxford will figure that out??
This link talks about Springfield college, not Springfield YMCA. All my life I heard of Naismith and Springfield YMCA, then Topeka YMCA, then Kansas University.