Kansas @ WVU Chat
I want so much more from Cliff! Really expected it
Empty possessions are killers…
@brooksmd agreed. I was surprised at the initial call
@Crimsonorblue22 Next year.
@Hawk8086 music to my ears! No more sleeping in a car!
That big dude walk alot
Jamari playing with high energy
@Crimsonorblue22 Good one too
5-5 this half. Let’um fly boys.
@globaljaybird foreign word?
WVU getting tired and not guarding the 3…
Block it firward
Forgetting to rebound again…
Mush that was Lucas with the block.
If not for OffRebs this game is not close…
Interesting stat: the last five games WVU is avg 24 fouls per game and have out fouled all but one of the past 5 opp. Tonight they have 9 total. Guess who’s leading in fouls though.
Follow mari
Damn Mari wide open path to the hoop.
Bank crap
Didnt need that shot
@cragarhawk needs to drive
@brooksmd moving screen if I ever saw one
End of their run
Really not enough energy last 4 min. Gotta get back on it
WVU is getting away with so many fouls…just 3 fouls in this half
If we don’t win this game, it will be due to giving up so many offensive boards.We’ve given them so many extra opportunities.
Shit again
Hollys heart is big as mamas stove …
Block the F out!!!
@globaljaybird what does that mean?
Giving up that 6 pt. lead has made me sick. So many wasted opportunities.
WVU 20 OffRebs, KU 8
Holton looked outta control to me
Guess that only counts if you’re wearing blue
Bix and 1 w/Selden?
Lucky there
A lot of holding not being called…
Saddle up
@Crimsonorblue22 she was checkin on that poor guy
D up
So you can shove off the defensive player when you drive to the hoop?
@brooksmd saw that
Our first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh and eighth shot defense isnt bad. Its that 9th shot thats killing us
@brooksmd sure
Seth looks dumb there
Good board
Hand again!
Go home
@Crimsonorblue22 If he was standing in front of me…