ISU vs KU chat...
Gotta get the mo back here
@globaljaybird Think you need to revise your “first to” score down.
Maybe he really is a predator and is invisible to the refs
@JayHawkFanToo Why would you let something grow wild on your head that’s invasive on your butt?
Another one on goldy locks
Yeah Goldilocks, fuss at the ref.
Got MK again
Selden on fiyaa
Wayne’s world…excellent, excellent!!!
@cragarhawk I think you’re right. The small rim was on the KU end first.
That inside feed was phenomenal
Wayne is the Flippin King of Pops tonite
Don’t leave long
@brooksmd Stayin with 80 pops
Best ball movement ive seen out of this group. By alot
Selden put his shoes on tonight.
This post is deleted!
@brooksmd i second
@brooksmd Say that 3 times real fast
@cragarhawk Agree, but they sometimes are lackadaisical in their passes.
@globaljaybird that that that
ISU will be on the bonus on the next foul…If they called all the fouls they should have on Niang and goldy locks KU is in the double bonus.
Great effort Perry
FM and one
Keep you foot on the gas pedal…
Dang we need those FT’s.
At least the refs are consistently inconsistent
I repeat myself. Don’t leave Long
ISU 1-3 on FT’s.
Nice hip check by Hogue
@brooksmd Clones are on their last legs I say run em in the ground Fran
@globaljaybird Got anything special for after the game tonite? I’m going with the Crown 75th for this one.
No ISU player with more than 2 fouls. The zebras are spreading it so ISU does not foul out
I have a feeling that fouls will decide this game…
@brooksmd Limeaide & Brandy Helps me sleep when I’m wound tight as an eight day clock
Wayne’s world…excellent, excellent!!!
@JayHawkFanToo need someone else to throw in ball! Big bad body vibes
@brooksmd Still goin fur 80 boss
@globaljaybird bg bad body vibes going out
@globaljaybird Ok it’s easier now. Just need an 8-0 run.
You would think they practiced inbounding…
@Crimsonorblue22 They said HCBS says BG has a problem getting out of his own way.
use clock!!!
Come on Hawks.
@brooksmd Brett’s Ina house
That’s how you break the press.
Foul on Niang??