If I didn't know better....
I’d think somebody on here wrote this.
@brooksmd Great read, brooks! Thanks for the link
@brooksmd Wouldnt be surprised if some of these guys may be reading a few of our top posters on kubuckets to get their copy-we do have several really good analysts & a couple of exceptionally gifted (and rather windy LOL) writers !!
@globaljaybird Have you seen the Subaru commercial with the boxer and retriever making out in it? Although I never saw an up close photo of Woodrow, I thought of him when I first saw it.
@approxinfinity Why doesn’t the link thing take you to youtube instead of importing the vid here? Or did I do something wrong?
@brooksmd No I’ve not.
@brooksmd Video will not play -can you just paste the link? Also son & I are going to see "American Sniper at 1:15 today so if you’re not on the range you’ll have to hold down my spot on the game blog brooks. Last weekend he brought out his 40cal Glock with a 100 rd brick, so we had some fun getting familiar with that. Sometime you’ll have to see R Lee’s Glock commercials on his website. They’re classics IMO.
@brooksmd Thanks, that’s good.