Does adidas have a line of long johns for Bragg to endorse...when he gets to the pros?

  • In the recent feed of Carlton Bragg supplied by Dr. X. Y. Dragonslayr, Ph.d., Forrest Claire Allen Chair, Institute for Advanced Basketball Research, Virtual Lawrence, Kansas, I was so excited about Bragg’s length and athleticism and Under Armour Petrotennies, that I completely overlooked Bragg’s ultra heavyweight long johns he wore under his uniform. I believe these long johns could be a new look in college and pro basketball and could spur an enormous apparel submarket: basketball long johns.

    Does anyone know if adidas designers are hard at work on some custom long johns that Carlton could wear and later endorse in the L? 🙂

    P.S.: Hey, long johns, lemme see here, um, how about KU approaches Cabela’s!!! Now they know long johns. And cammies, too!

    P.P.S: We could even connect Cabela’s up with Kief Morris and he could endorse Daisy BeeBee guns!

    P.P.P.S: This dog will hunt.

    P.P.P.P.: Chancellor Bernie, maybe we could develop this pup into the Institute for Advanced Endorsement Research!

  • @jaybate-1.0 Dr. X. Y. Dragonslayr, Ph.d., Forrest Claire Allen Chair, Institute for Advanced Basketball Research, Virtual Lawrence, Kansas


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