Svi is younger....and other amazing tidbits
Junior Svi is 4 months younger than frosh sensation Josh Jackson.
The Big 12 is KU and everyone else in the two major revenue sports.
This years incoming freshmen, unless they were really paying attention at age 5 or 6 have always seen KU win the Big12
The Big 12 has been the No. 1 RPI league in the country each of the last three years, and has had more teams reach the Elite Eight over the last 15 seasons than any other league.
If the World Series goes the full 7 games it will end after KU’s first basketball game, and if our team fulfills its’ vast potential it will end after MLB begins in early April.
My two favorite sports now overlap which isn’t a bad thing at all.
Once again I will feel guilty watching KU games on ESPN3 while people living in Kansas can’t watch. I will feel outrage with many of you at the AD for his foolish deal. With the merger of ATT/Time-Warner, will anything change?
Our football team is ranked 2nd to last in the power rankings at CBSports and 3rd to 351st in their basketball rankings.
Norlender thinks Kentucky is better than KU.
Perry Ellis was a freshman at KU during our first Big12 championship year in 2005.
Kentucky has 23 pros on opening day rosters, KU has 15 if what I read is correct. I think it said Duke has 19 or 20.
While I was at KU I watched Danny Manning play a 1 on 1 full court basketball game in Robinson Gym against an overweight football player. I forget who won.
When I was at KU in the mid 80’s Phil Forte was a freshman at OSU.