The Road To The Big 12 Conference Title...
Come on he had it come in?? OK for you I’ll drop it.
Hey did anybody see that chiefs game! Anybody?
@DoubleDD you r an angel!
@dylans said:
Ellis’ senior year will be special!!! We have 16 games scheduled to play the rest of this season outside of the season ending tournaments…I plan to enjoy Perry’s senior season as his senior season is about half over if he remains healthy so ROCK CHALK PERRY ELLIS!
UM hell yea I watched the Chiefs game.
Way to take things out of context. First, I never said I don’t have faith in KU, I do and I believe that it will win the Conference and hopefully the NCAA as well. Second, I never said Buddy would be a super star, those are your words, I simply disagreed with your statement that…the odds are against Hield “making” it in the NBA… which I explained to you in detail and you could not refute and instead posted a link that actually backed me up…oh well…who really gives a rat’s ass…
Let’s forbid the buddy Hield discussion between you 2!
Go chiefs!
UM I promised @Crimsonorblue22 I would drop it, and I am a man of my word. Believe what you want to believe.
@JayHawkFanToo Well apparently DoubleDD gives a rat’s ass!
However I will engage on why I think KU goes undefeated in conference play and you don’t?
LOL. Good One…:D
Yes Mom…
@JayHawkFanToo I guess I have 2 more boys!
@curmudgeonjhwk why do you go by curmudgeon ?
…well…you are the forum’s de-facto mom and have to keep us, unruly kids in check…
@Crimsonorblue22 Because I am one!
@curmudgeonjhwk you seem to be the opposite.
@Crimsonorblue22 You don’t know me as a curmudgeon?
@Crimsonorblue22 Now you do!
@Crimsonorblue22 Stumped?
@curmudgeonjhwk are you the only one that thinks that?
@curmudgeonjhwk yes
@Crimsonorblue22 Noooo…people accuse me of that mindset a lot. Even people who I have known for years, my dear friends, my wife included, tell me that I am growing in that direction. I’ve paid my dues…I have it coming to me. I am re-defining the mindset of curmudgeon!
@curmudgeonjhwk well ok.
@Crimsonorblue22 Seriously…I am enjoying Ellis’ senior season & hope that it will be everything that he wants it to be! He is a special guy!
@curmudgeonjhwk I agree! He’s a special guy and I think he’s more of a leader then we can imagine.
@Crimsonorblue22 His leadership seems to be very subtle & sometimes that can be good. I think of Manning with the 88 team. He’s not a Manning but I think Manning leads in the same way.
If Ellis sets his mind to it it will happen. He set his mind to getting a 4.0, he did and was valedictorian. He set his mind to winning 4 straight HS b-ball championships, he did it. Now he has stated a goal of the Final Four, how could this not happen? He has set his mind to it, it will happen. I just wish he had set his goals 2 wins further down the road.