Cheick looks ready
I tried it the last couple of games and a different game would pop up instead of the KU game.
Hard to believe that we must go through these tribulations when I can watch every KSU and MU game without any problems.
@JayHawkFanToo you should try that VPN! Or go to your dads, early game.
I saw this, don’t know if this will work for u?
@JayHawkFanToo I never have problems with it. Don’t give up on it. It took me a few times to get it right. If another game comes up, then you’d go back and try another link. I say try link 2 because link 1 normally is not the game, but an advertisement …but link 1 works from time to time.
Unfortunately Consolidated Communications blocks it at the ISP level and the virtual VPN approach does not seem to work. I will try using my cell phone as a hot spot but I am not sure T-Mobile subscribes to ESPN3.
@JayHawkFanToo crap, neighbors just texted we had no power!
I am practically giddy over Diallo playing tonight. it somewhat makes up for the $400 car repair bill i got stuck with this morning. It’s after 2PM Eastern and it’s still not ready, so I guess work is out today, and Diallo watching is in for Jethro today.
Don’t you hate when that happens? Fortunately for me, a shop opened up not to far from my home where you can rent garage bays with lifts by the hour; they also provide all the tools and power tools you need and access to the on-line repair guides and specs. and a mechanic that can help and advise as needed. You just have to know roughly how to do the repair and the lift alone makes most jobs a lot easier. I use it all the time now to maintain my cars and since I enjoy working on them it works great for me and saves me a lot of money.
@JayHawkFanToo That’s a pretty good idea (the rent an auto shop thingy).
@KUSTEVE Sooo you giddy enough to pay for mine too? My check emission light came on yesterday, no tv. I’m a grouch!
Stop by any Auto Zone or Advanced Auto Parts store and they will read the codes for free. With this information you can determine what is the likely problem which in most cases is a faulty sensor or even a defective PCV valve that is inexpensive and simple to replace…in most cars. At the very least you will know what is the likely issue and you will be much better prepared to deal with the dealer/auto shop. who most of the time try to tell you the problem is much bigger.
@JayHawkFanToo Thats a good idea.
@Crimsonorblue22 When the mechanic told me the cost, I told him I was broke, and he told me they had crying towels in the lobby…lol. $ 900 the past three weeks in repairs. I guess its time to start looking for new wheels.
@KUSTEVE ugh! I hate car problems, power and tv problems. But, I’m excited to hopefully somewhere see diallo play! Happy for him!
@JayHawkFanToo we have an autozone. You positive it’s free, no appt needed?
@Crimsonorblue22 Totally free. I’ve done it several times myself.
@KUSTEVE guess we need @JayHawkFanToo to work on our vehicles!
Got my battery replaced yesterday. Got my roku and appletv boxes ready for espn3. Now just to score the good streaming device for the game so I don’t have to buffer all night.
Absolutely free, they just hook up the reader to the OBDC port and get the codes; a couple of minutes is all it takes. I got a code reader a while back and it has paid itself many time over. If you would be closer I would read the codes for you…
Good news! Light was off in my car, got home and power, tv, internet, wifi all on. I checked the Jayhawk network and watched cheicks interview. I was drooling over him. What an awesome kid! He’s sooooo happy. Just makes you smile.
Thanks for all the automotive advice!
@wissoxfan83 I used firstrow sports for PPV fights a couple yrs back but when I tried a game last year my comp screen immediately froze & said it was being seized by the US Govt ?! ILegit or no? Who knows… I then had to restore my comp to a previous date to use it at all - pain in da butt !! So no more of that for me. If I can’t get out to see it I’ll be on 610 with ReHawk & cold beer & tomato juice… Fact that sounds PDG right now, yeah !
Confirmed… It’s DAMN GOOD !
@ajvan If you have ESPN3 and are blacked out, the other trick is this. Still works for me and I live in Lawrence. Haven’t had cable for years, and I miss very few games. The “ESPN only” games I have to wait about an hour after to watch on ESPN3, but so far it’s worked out pretty well. link text
@globaljaybird Here’s a dandy tip for a 1 ounce addition to your mug of beer and tomato juice. Visit the WalMark to purchase a gourmet bloody mary mix labeled 5 PEPPER. No more than 1 ounce to your beer and tomato! That plus a bowl of popcorn, my Jayhawk gametime delight. Sometimes I go all out and throw in a big handful of chipotle cheddar ZINGS. With Diallo coming out in uniform tonight, maybe two hands full of Zings…
I predict 9 blocks!
@jaybate-1.0 said:
I predict 9 blocks!
That would probably match what the whole team has on the season.
My granddaughter had a Choir Concert so I went there instead but followed most of the game on my cell phone (like a lot of others at the event) and when I got home I was able to catch an internet feed for the last 3 minutes.