Got 1 simple question, cause i sure don't know
pretty simple my KU breathen, when THE HELL is the early signing period for basketball? been trying to find out, and no luck, need some help. I was thinking like middle of Oct, or 1st part of novemember like around the 11th of November. can someone help me please. ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
yes why wouldn’t I mean it? you not know the answer either? if so tell me. evidentally no one knows. you really asking if I mean it? REALLY? SERIOUSLY? you making this out like its some kind of moronic question, pretty simple question either you know, or you don’t, I don’t. looking for the answer
@jayballer54 Take your mouse and put it on where he says " you mean this" and then click. He looked up the answer for you.
Take a chill pill and a few minutes to learn how the forum software works. Like @KUSTEVE pointed out, click on the text in blue and the answer is there…and you are welcome.
oh I know how the forum works and UH - - - - - -THANKS- - YA THATS IT LMAO
@KUSTEVE and @JayHawkFanToo you are both to kind!