KU vs WSU - Match Ups
@JayHawkFanToo I read a study on that and there was no difference.
@JayHawkFanToo and a rivalry!
@JayHawkFanToo Actually, 5th game in 11 days as well.
But really, we had five full days of rest between games. So no, because of that, I don’t think fatigue is any factor at all. Their bodies have had more than enough time to recover from three games in a row.
I’m hopeful that no one is getting excuses staged and ready. Excuses won’t needed. We’re kicking WSU’s ass tomorrow.
NC State – Barber and Lacey starting guards. We were both guys’ second choices. Lacey went to 'Bama and then transferred to NC State. We could have Barber/Lacey starting now instead of Mason/Selden. Interesting how things work out.
@Crimsonorblue22 I knew Nova would be the first 1 seed out. Dook should be next.
Am I missing something? WSU last game before Indiana was a loss to Illinois State on March 7…did I miss games in between?
I like our overall matches against WSU. I’ll not go into numbers because we’ve already learned that numbers mean pretty much nothing. But, man for man, I think KU is the better team.
Mason/VanVleet/Graham - Mason should come out ready to play and have something to prove. This will be a huge game for him. It’s time to establish himself on the national scene as a pg. This game will be huge. Graham has to play within himself tomorrow.
Selden/Baker - Selden is way more athletic than Baker. Baker is a pure shooter, much like Green. I’d even take Green over Baker. Baker does have experience and doesn’t get rattled.
Oubre/Green/Cotton (?) - Again, Cotton has experience, but give athleticism to Oubre and Green.
Ellis/Wessel/Brown/Traylor (?) - Ellis should have a festive day. I’d even give Traylor the edge over Wessel and Brown.
Lucas/Carter - Lucas should be strong and after scrimmaging against Embiid, he should be the better of the two. I think with Alex out, Lucas has come into his own. I see him getting better as we move forward. I’d even throw in the Red Fury @KUSTEVE…This might be a great opportunity for Mickelson.
We have to play smart and with intensity. I thought IU did a great job pushing the ball against WSU. We need to gas them like IU. We should get a lot of high percentage quick shots. I thought Yogi Ferrell provided so much for Mason. He gave Mason a great blueprint at the pg.
@HighEliteMajor Barber and Lacey were the difference against Nova.
@JayHawkFanToo No. You said 4 in 10 days for Kansas. I just added that it will be 5 in 11 days tomorrow.
NC State survives the first round because LSU didn’t make another basket for the last 10:12 of the game and also missed their final 6 FTS.
Now NC State is moving on to the sweet 16 by beating a #1 seed! Amazing really. It’s what makes this tournament so much fun.
Baker is more than just a pure shooter, he is also a good defender/rebounder, can create his own shot and drive to the basket. Green might have more upside, if he ever develops the rest of his game, but at this point Baker is the better player. Given the choice, I would start Baker over Greene any day.
@JayHawkFanToo Oh sure…not taking anything away from the guy. I like his IQ too. KU needs to play KU’s game. The team with fewer TOs will win this game.
I also like Green coming into his shot. He’s back in rhythm and Ellis also had a great confidence game against NMSU.
@truehawk93 I think we could see some hm too. Speedier guy. I also thought we might have oubre guard baker some, who’s been slumping on his jumpers. We are quicker and deeper!
@Crimsonorblue22 come on, Butler…pull the upset!!!
Tied now…
@KUSTEVE I don’t like yellow either!
Be careful what you wish for ( a la VCU in 2011).
@jhawkintexas OU has a better path now, you think?
One important point being over looked. HCBS has denied the Shockers of playing KU every year. For good reason. Sure the Shockers could win a game here and there, but in the end KU starts kicking their ass every year.
HCBS will be about proving his point. KU will be ready.
@jhawkintexas Is there anybody you aren’t afraid to play?
@KUSTEVE Anywhere, anytime, Mizzery!
OU cannot overlook Dayton. If they win they still have to contend with the winner of Michigan State-Virginia first…
@JayHawkFanToo better than Kentucky!
Notre Dame barely beat Butler in OT; second close call for the Irish, the third on is a charm and they will go down…
@JayHawkFanToo If we win tomorrow, which we will. I think is better to face a Non “B” name school. RCJH!
@Shanghai_RCJH let’s go w/it!
Forget about all the hype. Think like a Jayhawk (Blue Blood), Behave like a Jayhawk, Play like a Jayhawk, Win like a Jayhawk, and March on like 2008 and 2012! RCJH!
They are a double “B” team…Butler Bulldogs and as such, the kiss of death for KU. Luckily we don’t have to worry about this year since Notre dame won.
This IS the BEST thread on a college basketball game I have ever read!
“This is where all the posting, all the reading, all the arguing , all the analysis, all the up votes, pays off! No other online community in the world could move from a winter battle trying to figure out what this team ought to be, pack up after a 3 in three grind in Kansas City, move 180 virtual miles to Omaha Nebraska, change themes, unify and get behind this coach and team. God, I love these men (and women)!”–jayINAWEbate 1.0
Hell, yes, we are going to beat Marshall’s Munchkins!!!
@jaybate-1.0 I had a dream last night that KU beat WSU with ease and that one of the announcers said “This is why Kansas doesn’t need to schedule Wichita State”. I was sad when I woke up as it was just a dream but I have a feeling it is prophetic. I feel a big win coming and a lot of crow to be eaten by all of the CBS/TNT/TruTV morons, excuse me “experts”.
@joeloveshawks Nice!
I hope our fan base goes out, and buys out the Grecian Formula, and throws them on the floor when “Greasy Greg” is announced.
On a 10.0 scale, Self and Marshall face 1.o more pressure than in most contests this season. On a lighter note, I was very surprised that Self employed Mickelson so few minutes last game. I look to see our #1 candidate for a superstud role on FARMERS.COM earn some significant attention today.
Hey Shockers! Ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
Pic Editing by http://instagram.com/jayhawks_inkd
Original photo by: Ben Lipowitz
@drgnslayr I fully agree. This game will be a tough bar brawl all the way down to the final second. I think KU matches up very well with WSU based on your descriptions. Height doesn’t mean everything as we have seen already this season. If our boys can take care of the ball, win the boards and at least break even with fouls and t/o’s, it’ll be a close game. Both teams will leave it on the court. This game means more than a sweet 16 appearance.
Do we put Oubre on Baker for most of the game?
The double header in Omaha today is my dream doubleheader. If money were no object…
@FarSideHawk was that just a coincidence? I bet Self would like this pic! Ha ha
@JhawkAlum I thought about that, oubre does get in foul trouble a lot.
@Crimsonorblue22 yes, apparently it was a coincidence, but I liked it and it suits Brannen’s personality too!
@FarSideHawk boy does it!!!
This captures the essense of BAD BALL!!!
Enjoying the pep rally at the century link center
@cragarhawk torture us!!! Cf is in Omaha w/parents.
Would @jaybate-1.0 or someone please enlighten me about what Connor could/would have told Wsu coaching staff regarding Self’s Bad Ball, if at all? That is worrying me to a point where I may not be able to watch the game. Have a weak stomach. And wondered if that’s why Wsu has been showing some resemblance to our Bad Ball (think jb referred to it earlier). Your positive input will be greatly appreciated to set my anxiety aside before the game.
@HawksWin take meds!
Since it is Sunday, let us close our eyes, bow our heads and pray with me:
Bill Self is our shepherd we shall not want. He makes us to set down in blue seated arenas. He leads me to final fours, he restores our hope and guides us to conference championships. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of losses, we will fear no team for his plans will prevail. He prepares a table before us in the presence of the enemy. He anoints our trophy cases with wins, our trophy cases overflow. Surely greatness and victories will follow us all the days of the life because, you know, WE ARE KANSAS.
(No harm, no malice!)
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks to you I don’t need it now
Thanks for the laughs!!!