Touney Reality

  • RCJH Tourney Time!!!

    Here are the most important things to consider when you go dancing:

    Match Ups - who are we playing and how do they play? Advantage KU, We have played all styles and types of teams. We are well prepared to play any match up at any pace, any size and any offensive/defensive schemes.

    Injuries/Out of Action - who can play and how healthy are they? Disadvantage KU. Cliff not playing is a huge let down (not as big as Jo-Jo last year but still our best rebounder by far). Perry is not 100% and our other guys are not at their physical best. I hope Coach does not practice them too hard as other teams are now getting key pieces back…and getting healthy. We need fresh legs!

    Luck - how does the ball bounce possession by possession and game to game? KU Neutral. Sometimes luck is huge (bank shot three goes in, ball barely touches someone just as it is going out of bounds, someone gets two fouls in the first 30 seconds…). KU will have to get some lady luck to make it past the first and especially the second weekend.

    Skill - who can elevate their game to make a play? KU Neutral. Could be a shot, a defensive stop, take a charge, a rebound, an assist, a save…we all know of the singular individual who outperforms at just the right moment. And then that one player who can take over a game for us and/or for our opponent. KU has less high skill than last year (Wigs and Jo-Jo) but might have more Alpha Dogs this year (watch us drive the ball and make FTs).

    Toughness - who can out “bad ball” us? KU advantage. We do have grit and determination. We will not beat ourselves and I think the boys will play like men and make a run…until they hit the UK wall.

    My prediction: an elite eight trip and a strong UK challenge, falling a couple of possessions short (like 2012 game). Rock Chalk!

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