Totally Cool: CJONLINE's Sherm.Smith Doing a Political JNew with Obama Speech

  • Probably old news to Kansans, but when you live away sometimes you catch on a little later.’s Sherman.Smith, a political news reporter, is doing a live blog from the Anschutz Pavillion for President Obama’s speech to be delivered there this morning on campus. Interactive cometh, baby!!!

    I just asked Sherm to see if he could get JNew to sit in and deliver real time Political QA!!! 🙂

    There will be a live feed of the speech also.

    Live blog link (works same as JNew’s):

    Live Feed Link (speech doesn’t begin till 11:20am Larry Time):

    Gotta be on good behavior. KHP and OlathePolice posting on the live blog, so it feels surveilled. But that’s no different that police officers being at a game, or speech. We are a nation of laws. So: we have law men.

    Also, lots of photos from around the campus, which is kind of fun.

  • How about this from a tweet on that link - shows who is most popular with the President 🙂

    ##KS atty gen waits in line with rest of us to see #POTUSatKU but KU bball team just breezed by

  • @RockChalkinTexas

    Our president will do what ever is expedient to be seen with popular people to enhance his own popularity, and no one in Kansas is more popular than the KU basketball team. My last post on the subject.

  • Rick Barnes might just be chewing on a Tarkanian towel today. Jayhawk players are really fired up. Hope the President’s message reverberates into April. Strive not just to be good; be GREAT!

  • Yes We Can!

  • @wrwlumpy

    Seems kind of a non sequitur. Did I miss something?

  • @JayHawkFanToo Ehhh, I disagree on the popularity m.o. He isnt up for a third term, he knows his numbers are down. I bet he is to the point that it doesn’t matter to him if he is or isnt. Dudes short, hes got less than two years left in office that is basically painted red, He came to KU because KU is the mecca of college ball and he knows it. He came to lawrence and met with the team because he is a fan. Being a KU fan has no color, or race or religious affiliation of any kind. Being a KU fan is one of the great equalizers of life. Being a KU fan one of the things I am most proud of

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