Are UFOs Reputedly Researched by the US Government Responsible for KU Recruiting Problems?
In the midst of an apparent power struggle over control of the American Empire, a fundamental question arises.
Is it UFOs and not an apparent Petroshoeco-Agency Complex triggering KU’s apparent long term recruiting woes that have lead to a season where Self has only one big man eligible to play; no OADs, or 5-star freshmen, on the perimeter; and ne depth to speak of in back court, or front court?
I feel it is important to pose this question, after the US Gubmint has recently admitted to have seriously studied the UFO phenomena from sometime in the Naught Decade of the 21st Century to sometime in the Teen Decade of the 21st Century. It follows, like interdimensionality from dimensionality, that the research that reotedly confirmed that some UFO sightings are reputedly real objects and not just figments of obervers imaginations, ought to be taken seriously.
Now before anyone leaps to any wrong conclusions, none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson, Ph.d., astrophysist, author and science communicator (according to his Wiki page) has reputedly science-communicated that just because a UFO has been found to be real does NOT mean it is alien in origin. Thank god!
Such a confirmed UFO, for instance, I suppose, could be a radio-controlled Russian drone, thus predisposing the American tax payer to support huge spending on R&D to counter the possible threat posed by confirmed UFOs.
Alterneratively, it could also be a drone flown by the Deep State as a black op enabling Russia to be cleverly implicated for deploying it, thus predisposing the American tax payer to support huge spending on R&D to counter the possible threat posed by confirmed UFOs.
It could also be a very inexpensive RadioShak drone flown by a child that received it for a birthday present, and became expert at simulating a UFO incursion into earth’s atmosphere.
Or, and this is a verrrrrrrrrrrrrry slim chance, the UFO could belong to green men from Mars, or interdimensional Archon Aliens, or what have you from deep space. This scenario would of course predispose the American tax payer to support huge spending on R&D to counter the possible threat posed by confirmed UFOs.
Now, I think we all have to agree that green men from Mars likely would have little, or no, interest in asymmetrically that skews Division 1 basketball recruiting to KU’s disadvantage.
But the interdimensional Archon Aliens?
That dog could hunt.
Interdimensional Archon Aliens have long been known to play a game very close to basketball in their own dimenson, wherever and whatever that dimension may be.
So: like it or not, we face a very remote possibility that just changing PetroshoeCo-Agency Complex leans and contracts may not be enough to avoid KU ever coming up as short handed as it has this season.
We are facing a very remote possibility that we may have to subordinate our sovereignty, and our ways of life in college basketball, and our post Obama Care quasi repeal, if we are ever to get KU basketball back up to 13 credible D1 scholar student-athletes.
We are also facing an even more remote possibility that interdimensional Archon Aliens telepathically gave James Naismith the original 13 rules of the game, but I digress.
I believe it is imperative now that start a fundraiser to help incorporate and endow a power summer game team called “RunARCHONalien.”
Rock Chalk!!!
(Note: All fiction. No malice. For @REHawk)
Interdimensional Buffer 1