Royals making it fun again
@Crimsonorblue22 Thought I did right after the moose dinger, but evidently it did not post. oh well.
@DanR have u checked out the blue moon?
@brooksmd not fun tonight
@brooksmd do we know McCarthy?
Torres looks good
Sales pitched a heck of a game. 1000th hit for esky was nice
@DanR 100th hr for Moose to nite also a shining moment. Him, Hoz an Cain having fantastic season that will end well for them but not so much for us.
@brooksmd that’s why I asked you
brooksmd said:
@DanR 100th hr for Moose to nite also a shining moment. Him, Hoz an Cain having fantastic season that will end well for them but not so much for us.
Not at all. This could be a dynasty with enough money
& guts.
Kennedy starts at the K today. Start time abt 1:15 I believe.
Kennedy has 40 pitches through 4 innings & a one
️ zip lead Another lead off double by Esky to open their half of the 4th.
Sac fly by Whit & Kennedy wit da lead by a deuce.
@globaljaybird that didn’t last long!
@Crimsonorblue22 Been down to the lake wit Rascal on our afternoon walkabout & return down 2 runs. Gotta get those & more back pronto.
Need da big fly NOW…
Only time Pomeranz throws a fastball it’s way off the plate. His curve is nasty
Hoz needs to go deep Tough chore
Didn’t realize we had an afternoon game or I would’ve been here earlier. Let’s get this 3rd out and put on the rally hats.
@brooksmd whit was sooo close!
@Crimsonorblue22 Yep, if it had been closer to the line the Royals would still be running.
@Crimsonorblue22 Can’t say Boston pitching ain’t giving us a chance. We just need to take advantage.
Salami Salvy !!!
Salvy KABOOM!!! Royals 6 - 4
Man, I love defensive shifts. roflmao
Salvy using a Miggy bat.
Alright Tabasco, no fooling around. 3 up and out and get this over with.
Time to pour the Tabasco on this baby
@brooksmd salvy! That was awesome!
brooksmd said:
Alright Tabasco, no fooling around. 3 up and out and get this over with.
He’s had some trouble wit dat lately.
@globaljaybird Dere’s some heat. 101 mph!!!
Kinda funny he would ask salvy if it was a strike
Salvy would say, yes!
Huge win
I’ll take it 2 outta 3 from Boston is fine. Keep the heat on the Twinkies & Tribe
@brooksmd don’t hear 101 to much
Like to have that grand slam
️ I’d give it to salvy!
@brooksmd how far back?
@Crimsonorblue22 What’d they say, 412 ft? No doubt a Royals official met with whoever got the ball to try and work a deal for it. Let’s see, I’d take an autographed Salvy jersey, hat and bat. That would be my initial offer and probably settle for the hat.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Kinda funny he would ask salvy if it was a strike
Salvy would say, yes!
I’d just point to the ump and say “what he say?”
@globaljaybird Considering the start of the season, I’ll take 3 games back with 16 games before the All Star break.
@brooksmd I met how far back are we? 3?
@Crimsonorblue22 Yup, 3.
@Crimsonorblue22 Clev @ Balt and CWS @ Minn tonite. Minn 1 1/2 back of Clev.
Welp, got work to do. ttfn
@brooksmd Absolutely!
@Crimsonorblue22 Is Yosemite out of town? It’s out of this world actually. That’s where I’ve been for the week!
@wissox Nice place. Last time I was there we passed through in April or early May, 1972, headed to Fairbanks, Alaska from Wichita Falls, Texas. Snow was still piled so high you couldn’t see any scenery.
@wissox I guess you are dry then!