2 top row tickets free today
Any takers?
Gone! Sorry!
@Crimsonorblue22 I got an upgrade
@Crimsonorblue22 Lucky duck ! Me too… I got the big screen while the wife is shopping…Except mine may cost a few hundred bucks…
@globaljaybird I’ll be sittin’ right next to you.
@brooksmd On the good side, no lines at the bar or the head, all the replays & slow mo’s, & px prices for da brewskies… Yeaah !
@Crimsonorblue22 If only I was in town!!
8th row
Super blessed
@globaljaybird free for me
Enjoy the show/game! @Crimsonorblue22
@Crimsonorblue22 Rhonda told wifey let her know when we’d be back in metro next. Yet some how I feel that window getting smaller by the day After freshman year Mitch will be prob be givin em all to young millennial women & they’ll be scrapping for a place in line.!!