Anyway, the NCAA changed the rule, so there’s that. Also, I don’t despise the NCAA. I just think they should be held accountable for their feckless leadership. Unfortunately, it appears the only “market force” that has proven effective has come from the government… Which is another indicator that the operation is monopolistic. I hear your concern that some fans view Bill Self as above reproach. FWIW, I do not. If he has broken rules that are generally upheld by others in the community, then that is worthy of reprimand and consequence. However, if he is essentially driving 65 in a 55 zone like everyone else around him, then I don’t think it is “horrible conduct” and I don’t think it is fair for him to be singled out of the stream of traffic and punished. The NCAA struggles with this. Instead, they seem to take an arbitrary approach to enforcement and consequences. I’m a big fan of NCAA athletics. At the same time, I think they need to improve and do a much better job. I don’t think that’s contradictory. Finally, I’m not ignoring the arguments in support of the NCAA. But, while arguments may provide explanation for actions, they are not justification for actions. They can be more equitable. This rule change is evidence of that.