Intro videos

  • @Crimsonorblue22 - thx for posting. i burned my tongue watching it while sipping my chicken noodle soup…!!

  • I like the intro video, but I listened to the starting lineup announcement on the radio and I was …ticked and embarrassed. I don’t know who the gentleman is who does it and it’s nothing personal against him, but it just sounds STUPID. Something I’d expect from the Harlem Globetrotters or UNLV. Just ridiculous. As usual, I’m probably wrong. Does anyone else feel the same way?

  • that’s awesome, love it. Can you imagine tomorrow night, the atmosphere, how loud it’s going to be, the video, the place will be nuts. Looking for a war. As far as the announcer, I have no problems with the way he is introducing, seems to be the theme across the nation, doesn’t bother me, couple of the players have their own little way of coming out too, during their intrdo- - -DeVonte- - Wayne it’s allright mix it up have a lil fun with it ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

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